
16+ Years in Sales. Last job was India Sales Manager for Patni Computer Systems in 2010

Personally handled 600+ Clients

Trained more than 5000+ people

Trained in 17 countries (India, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Srilanka,Sudan, Nepal, Tunisia, Egypt, Portugal, Oman, Maldives, Malaysia and Philippines)

Author of two books

8 years managed his own E-learning company and exited

Engineering and Global MBA from SP Jain Dubai/Singapore

Ramjee Ganti

17+ years at bleeding edge of technology in engineering and management roles

Head of Technology at JustEat India (acquired by FoodPanda), CTO at BigDecisions (acquired by NewsCorp)

Grew, mentored, trained engineering teams at 4+ companies

Technology Advisor to multiple Startups

Founder of an ML Lifecycle management company

Engineering from IIT Kharagpur